Tra arte, emozione e comunicazione...
lingua inglese
Sito di Alessandra Mesiano , artista e MusicArTerapeuta nella Globalità dei Linguaggi
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From 07/2012 to 08/2012 - Search of MusicArTerapia in the GdL method Threadbare S. War in the pediatrics units, surgery, operating block and Center of Malnutrition in the Hopital Croix de Zinviè du Benin (Africa).
From 07/2011 to 08/2011 - Search of MusicArTerapia in the GdL method Threadbare S. War in the pediatrics units and surgery in the Hopital Croix de Zinviè du Benin (Africa).
From 2008 - Laboratory Therapy of the spirit near of the Foundation Lilli Funaro (CS).
1998/2008 - Psychosocial rehabilitation by Art-Therapy “Village of the masters” Paterno Calabro (CS).
From 2007 to 2009 - Rehabilitation by expressive Arts near the Oratory S. Carlo Borromeo di Rende (CS).
1996/2006 - Psychosocial rehabilitation through the Art with the various skillful patients near the Friendly Voluntary center “Association of the Disabled people” of Cosenza.
2003/2006 - Psychosocial rehabilitation through the Art with the patients of Centro Igiene Mentale of Cosenza.
2001/2002 - Psychosocial rehabilitation near the Church of Sant'Andrea Corsini (RM).

Itinerant laboratories

2012 -Laboratory of MusicArTerapia in the GdL “Let us know itself leaving a trace” Patù (LE)
From 07/2012 to 08/2012 - Search of MusicArTerapia in the GdL method Threadbare S. War in the pediatrics units, surgery, operating block and Center of Malnutrition in the Hopital Croix de Zinviè du Benin (Africa).
From 07/2011 to 08/2011 - Search of MusicArTerapia in the GdL method Threadbare S. War in the pediatrics units and surgery in the Hopital Croix de Zinviè du Benin (Africa).

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